My Videos

I can't tell you how much fun I have had with my videos.  A few friends had demanded that I make a video when I create something new so, trying to prove that it would be a horrible mistake I posted a video on how to remove a heat stain from a table.  It was so much fun I decided to make another, then another.

In the beginning my shy and complete fear and anxiety showed, but eventually with all of the wonderful emails and comments from all over the world I actually started to enjoy sharing my videos!

One "side kick" who has become a popular email inquiry is my dog.  She is a 5-year-old Old English Sheepdog named Annabella.  She just sort of works her way into my videos and she is so incredibly popular that I have devoted videos just for her.  I now have a Chihuahua puppy named Lily as well. She will make a debut in another video I am sure at some point.

Christina Bell on a Budget
Love you all,
Christina Bell

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