The Wildlife Outside My Home
I thought it would be fun to share some photographs of the constant flow of animals around my home. Deer Our first floor has a perfect window for feeding deer. We simply throw out apples and fruit and watch them up close. Bears Now we know where our pond fish have been going! This bear gave the trampoline a try! lol! Skunks This curious young skunk attempted to climb our son's batting cage net and became hopelessly stuck. He hung upside down for a long time until our animal control officer could come rescue him. This pretty white mama wakes me often while she digs for slugs in front of my bedroom window. I had to take this picture with the "night" feature on my phone and it is through a screen so forgive it's quality. Toad This is "Mr. Jackson". He is a toad who lives under a shed on our deck. We named him Mr. Jackson after the Beatrix Potter character in The Tale of Mrs. ...