Christina Bell Art

I am selling a few more of my paintings to make room for more projects. This is my first time selling my work on-line and I am anxious to see how it works! It seems so much easier than gathering my paintings and lugging them to events:-) Hoping to have equal to more success this way!

Self Portrait - Waiting for Spring - Christina Bell

Acrylic on Canvas
16x20 canvas board panel (hard)
22 x 17 1/2" with grey/black painted frame
(will include photographic progression)


The fun part about this painting is that I documented it's progression with photos. This portrait is a reflection of how I feel during the long dark winter months. I stare out the window waiting for the buds to form on the trees. Truly a Summer kinda girl:-)
 My sketch on paper.
 Then painted canvas dark and used chalk to transfer image... Then used Acrylic paint...

This was my first attempt at human figure. I have always painted abstract landscapes and figures but this was truly enjoyable. Most difficult are eyes and lips. Also keeping the proportions.

The Mammogram

16x20" canvas board panel (hard)


16x20 stretched canvas


Human Landscape

16x20 stretched canvas

There is a story behind this painting... You may or may not believe it but it is the honest to God's truth!  I painted a landscape but was extremely disappointed in it. As I stood there my husband suggested I flip it to see if I like it any other way... I did and there she was! A naked woman. Do you see her curves?  


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