My greenhouse cabinet is working fantastically. Seedling are loving it and they are eager to get into Eden! It’s always so exciting to walk around Eden and see it coming to life. I will leave the leaves for now. They not only hide the young vulnerable waking plants from animals but will act as a blanket should the unpredictable early spring weather suddenly dip. (Some snow predicted for Thursday) after the temps being in the upper 60s to 70. So is true that many beneficial insects may be sheltered in the leaves. Like praying mantis. My favorite garden warrior. Here is what spring has gifted me thus far. I’m praying for a steady warm up so I can harden off my seedlings that are ready for Eden... hopefully, late April this year. Fringed tulips Day lilies Crocu...
I've always dreamed of having my own garden. Filled with fruit, veggies and of course cutting flowers. I labored over the cost of fencing my garden in since the wildlife in our yard is intense. And because the section of our yard that receives full sun is visible from the road it had to be visually appealing. So, this is how I did it:) The posts are 12' posts and cost $6. each. We installed them leaving some height on each one for good reason. We also chose round posts to avoid the headache of having to perfectly place them in the hole. I painted them black. Rather than using wood for rails... Which would have been quite an expense and lots of work, I ordered some all weather strapping in black. It is commonly used on horse farms and can hold up to thousands of pounds of pressure. So incredibly easy to install and from a distance it looks like wood rails. I then "critter proofed" by lining the bottom and partially buried chicken ...
At the request of a friend who also has a senior Chi with the typical Chi tooth issues... I shot a quick video showing how I make a healthy dog food for Lily. She was refusing to eat every food I bought for her. It took a while but, I finally found an easy to eat healthy recipe for her. Now she’s gaining the weight she lost back and her coat is healthy again:) Not to mention her energy which is back to normal again. Below is a link to my YouTube channel video. It was fun to get back to shooting a quick video and my “director” was so much fun to work with;) ❤️❤️❤️ The usual light-hearted Christina Bell Video:)