Building Eden

I've always dreamed of having my own garden. Filled with fruit, veggies and of course cutting flowers.

I labored over the cost of fencing my garden in since the wildlife in our yard is intense.

And because the section of our yard that receives full sun is visible from the road it had to be visually appealing.

So, this is how I did it:)

The posts are 12' posts and cost $6. each.  We installed them leaving some height on each one for good reason.  We also chose round posts to avoid the headache of having to perfectly place them in the hole.

I painted them black.

Rather than using wood for rails... Which would have been quite an expense and lots of work, I ordered some all weather strapping in black. It is commonly used on horse farms and can hold up to thousands of pounds of pressure.

So incredibly easy to install and from a distance it looks like wood rails.

I then "critter proofed" by lining the bottom and partially buried chicken wire fencing. Being sure to leave the top a bit floppy to prevent groundhogs from climbing or digging .

I then utilized the height of the poles to attach deer netting to. It prevents them from jumping the fence and is virtually invisible.

The garden door is a simple screen door. And of course I had fun with the sign. :)

I decided to put in a small path. I used easy flexible edging, heavy duty landscape fabric and bags of gravel. I chose the least expensive one which happens to be gravel you add when you mix concrete.

This was my first year gardening and the results were amazing! The fence was incredibly easy and affordable.

So far this little bear hasn't tried :/

Here are some of the things I grew:)

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