Pendant Light

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One of my most popular videos is of this yarn pendant light which is so easy and cheap to make!  Watch my video at

All you need are the following:

- A large blow up ball... A balloon can be used but keep in mind that the shape of the balloon will be the shape of the pendant light. I would prefer to use a punching ball balloon which has a round shape. I chose to use a medium sized exercise ball which came with a pump for refilling and deflating. I love the fact that instead of having to pop it to get it out of the ball I can reuse it over and over again.

- Fabric Stiffener... I used Stiffy brand but there are many other brands available. Fabric Stiffener is a white glue that dries clear and hard. I have had viewers who had success making their own stiffener but I have not tried any of these recipes.

- Yarn... I used a black cotton yarn.

- Big Bowl to soak the yearn in.

- A Swag Light Kit (purchased in any hardware store)

After blowing up the ball I simply soaked the yarn in the bowl with the stiffener. I pulled the string from the outside instead of the "easy pull" inside end because it isn't easy to soak the yarn from the inside out.

I wrapped the ball once and tied it. Then continued to twine the yarn around the ball in random patterns until I was satisfied. Then I tied it off and left a longer strand to hang it to let it dry. You can even take a brush and brush it all over the ball to make sure you have each strand thoroughly soaked.

Then I let it dry in a cool area. In my case I did not have a chance to work on it again for at least 24 hours but you can check periodically to see if it has dried.

Mark a hole with chalk that will allow you to put your hand through and change the bulb but also is large enough to get the deflated and folded ball out.

Then I took a pencil eraser and pushed the ball away from the yarn everywhere I could. Then let the air out of the ball!

Once air is out cut the hole with scissors and fold the ball as small as you can and pull it out.

Now you are ready to string your swag light through and hang!  Enjoy!!!

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